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A function that creates an attribute of seq(numrows) with a step size of 1, where the user provides the attribute name.


generic_identifier(numrows, col_name)



The number of rows the user intends to have in the created data frame.


The desired attribute name.


A user-named single attribute data frame with nrow = numrows.


Tingwei Adeck


generic_identifier(40, col_name="Cycle_No")
#>    Cycle_No
#> 1         1
#> 2         2
#> 3         3
#> 4         4
#> 5         5
#> 6         6
#> 7         7
#> 8         8
#> 9         9
#> 10       10
#> 11       11
#> 12       12
#> 13       13
#> 14       14
#> 15       15
#> 16       16
#> 17       17
#> 18       18
#> 19       19
#> 20       20
#> 21       21
#> 22       22
#> 23       23
#> 24       24
#> 25       25
#> 26       26
#> 27       27
#> 28       28
#> 29       29
#> 30       30
#> 31       31
#> 32       32
#> 33       33
#> 34       34
#> 35       35
#> 36       36
#> 37       37
#> 38       38
#> 39       39
#> 40       40